The vampires are already in the pantry

7th October, 2010. Thursday 5 PM

konyvtarihet_rezTalk on
‘The vampires are already in the pantry’
by András Réz
writer, artistic director of the Academy Werk

Welcome speech by Gergey Szabó
Executive director of Média Nonprofit Kft, Mezőkövesd

Town Library reading room
3400 Mezőkövesd,1. Madách I. u.

The TAMOP (SROP) program is implemented through
the tender numbered 3.2.4-08/1-2009-0048.

Beneficiary : Mezőkövesd Local Gorverment

ANDRÁS RÉZ writer, artistic director of the Academy Werk

Born in Budapest on 28th September, 1951. Student of Kossuth Lajos University, Faculty of Humanities between 1970-1971. Graduated from the Faculty of Humanities of ELTE University , got a degree in Hungarian and Russian ( 1971-1975). Worked as a freelance film researcher, translator and literary translator between 1975-1979. From 1979 to 1982 he worked for the Hungarian Motion Picture Art Instituite, then he was the head of the Artitstic Department of the Film Directorate of Cultural Affairs between 1983-1987. Managing director of Réz and Co. Ltd since 1991. Editor in chief and managing director of the interior design magazines ‘Atrium’ and later the ‘Order and Space’ between 1994-1998. Together with Gábor Fabricius they are running the WERK media school.

His books: Linda szafari, A szelek háza, Válogatott szorongásaim, Orr, Mozibubus, Köldök
Scripts: Linda (Tv Series), Angyalbőrben (Tv Series), Família Kft. (Tv Series)
Plays: Az ördög éve (1998), 56 csepp vér (2007)