Genealogy in Mezőkövesd
Genealogy in Mezőkövesd
by Attila Farkas
Have you ever thought of who your parents and relatives were? The very first word of a child is usually this : Mom. Later came the other relatives: father, grandmother, great-grandmother etc. Essentially this is what genealogy is for : searching our ancestors.
When my last great-grandparent died, I thought I should write it up, what I have of my family, and then I found myself indulged into genealogy. My goal in writing the book was to give help to those already engaged in this field or those who will get inspired after reading this book. The book reveals, for example, how to do genealogy research, what diseases were known in the past, and which one has the most names, or what the Latin names for porfessions conceal. You can read about rare family names such as Kocsmáros( Bartender), Kuli ( Coolie), Kivula, Szőlősi ( Grape), Tiba, Uj ( New). To help the work of genealogists, the book ends with the a glossary of the Latin names for first names, causes of death, occupation names, months, kinship terms.
Attila Farkas
The book is available in Hungarian!