Library catalog help
Available in Hungarian!
The catalog is available in the left-up menu
Document search
- The search returns the proper documents to the search criteria. Eg: If you type ‘Bible’ in the field, it returns all documents which’ title starts with ‘Bible’.
- You can use the usual wildcard characters (?%*), however they are redundant. The search with wildcards is default. To search a specific text put period at the end of the text. Eg: If your search is ‘bible.’, the book ‘The Bible in Hungarian Literature’ will not show up.
- Filling multiple fields
- Finding records that meet all conditions (AND /ÉS/ operation)
- Finding records that meet one or more of the conditions (OR /VAGY/ operation)
- You can enter the same search field more than once. The search returns all the books that has two or three of the required words you enter. For example : Words: car, Words: repair, operation : AND
- The search engine does not implement searches resulting in too many hits ( about 3,000). In such cases more specific search criteria is needed.
- Accents in searching. Eg.: kor, kór, kör count as different words.
- The ‘Topic’ lists the index, the music index, the local history index, and the UDC identifiers ( our library uses the UDC classification )
- Letters with accents can be given with flying accents ( a’ = á, o: = ö, o” = ő )
Document browsing ( search menu)
- Browsing takes only one field. It shows that in the particular field what keys are used in the database. So it is NOT the document that shows up but the values of some of the fields of a document ( eg. author, publisher). The proper field is to be filled in to specify the starting of the key list. Eg.: Entering ‘János Arany’ into the author field, returns all documents starting from János Arany.
- when searching the library standard is applied. For example ‘a’ and ‘á’ are identical, ‘o’ and ‘ö’ are applied as different vowels
- No need to fill in the field, in case you are searching for an index from the beginning
Document types
The TextLib Integrated Library System’s Web site records the following document types:
- book ( volume, shared data)
- audo visual ( equipment, common data)
- periodical ( issue)
- map ( component, shared data)
Series records may also be used.
Barrier-free version
Barrier-free WEB access: accessible for the blind and people with visual disabilities , based on the website of MVGYOSZ.
Readers status
The TextLib Intergarted Library System allows readers to access the library for information online ( loans, subscitpions, liabilites, etc).
Have an example to help you to decide if you are interested in this option.
To log on you must enter you ID and password. Your library card number can always be used as your ID. Librarians are available to help the reader setting an easy-to-remember ID. This can help the readers to find out about their data even if they don’t have their library card on them.
For security reasons, password is always needed to log on. If you don’t have a valid password yet in TextLib, you can log on entering your date of birth. For example, if you were born on March 25, 1970 , then you can log on entering “19700325”.
Information before downloading HunMarc
TextLib Integrated Library System will allow download the library database records in HunMarc format using a browser program.
Downloading starts by clicking on the link [HunMarc]. Good web search engines usually offer a file name as such to save the file. This of course can only be made when the information is received from the www server. TextLib www server sends the info, thus the first 60 character of a book is given ( letters are given unaccented, without the special symbols and _ stands for SPACE). HM extension is sent. For example for the book ‘Egy magyar nábob’ the filename Egy_magyar_nabob.HM’ is suggested.
Only the first 8 characters of the filename should be given when saving a file on a drive which supports only 8+3 filenames. The server TextLib www sets the HunMarc records using the ANSEL code set, this code set contains all accented characters.
Finding records wtih common data or a record being itself a common data, then a file with multiple records is returned: the common data and all its volumes. ( In such case the suggested file name should ceme from the title of the common data.)