
eHungary Point


If you have no Internet access at home
If you are confused about how to use the Internet
If you need free Internet help

The eConsultant, the expert of the ePoint is here to help you
To handle your business on the Internet

eHungary point in the Children’s Library
(H-3400 Mezőkövesd, Mátyás király út 144.)

Our services

  • Internet access (100 Ft/hour)
  • text editing (Word), spreadsheet management (Excel), presentation program (PowerPoint)
  • Customer Login Access
  • Law search
  • eConsultant help


Internet management from home on eHungary point!

eMOPID: 469
Open hours: see Children’s library

eMagyarország Centre contact:

NT Nemzetközi Technológiai Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft.
Home: H-1063 Budapest, Munkácsy M. utca 16.,
Site: H-1068 Budapest, Dózsa Gy. út 86/B
Telefon: 0036 (1) 413- 7751
Fax: 0036-1-321-7819
Skype: emagyarorszagcentrum
Adult Education Registration Number: 00752-2009
Mailing address: NT Nonprofit Közhasznú Kft., H-1398, Budapest, Pf. 570