Dear Visitor,
We would like to greet you at the Local Library Portal of the Town of Mezőkövesd.
Through the development of these pages our goal is to publish values of the town’s natural environs, social structure, economic life as well as cultural and artistic life both in the present and the past. The backbone of the portal is the Collection of Mezőkövesd Library with some 100 thousand books, numerous periodicals, and small publications. Bibliographic items of these documents can be searched through our catalogue.
Nowadays it has become inevitable to digitalize traditional forms and put them on the internet. It is in the spirit of this that we provide access to biographic and article bibliographies and encyclopaedias in a digitalized form as well as local history material of libraries in the town. We strive to make as many documents appear on the web as possible that are decisive from the aspect of the region. We consider it our task to continuously broaden the information offered on our portal and keep it in an up-to-date state. Please honour our services with your comments and questions.
We hope to be able to create a website that will be able to satisfy demands of local history researchers and those interested in the past and present of the town of Mezőkövesd.
Mezőkövesd, 2010. october.
Mailing address:
Városi Könyvtár
H-3400 Mezőkövesd, Madách Imre u. 1.
Tel: +36 (49) 411-439